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We’re all works in progress. And, though it’s taken me a while, I now see that all my experiences as writer, librarian, actor, and mother have led me to this point. Working with my hands, getting messy, and finding different tools to make new marks thrills my introvert nature. There’s nowhere I’m happier than in my studio working with paint and paper, building layer upon layer, until, after considerable scraping and sanding, I see what I’ve been looking for all along.

I’ve always been interested in vintage advertising and building signs, the shape of type fonts, and the look and feel of old books. The past just seems clearer—we’ve already been there.

I try to represent the look of decayed walls in my art by using assorted textures. I often use photo transfers of old buildings, vintage architecture, and old signs. In the end, I hope you enjoy the feeling of the bittersweet passage of time as you view my art.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Please contact me if you have questions or are interested in my work.


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